About the “Christ in Africa” Association

We belong to the Eastern Orthodox Church and operate with the blessing of Metropolitan Inocentios of Burundi and Rwanda. We are based in Romania.

Our vision is that every person who seeks help from Christ will feel that help from Him also comes through us.

How can you go to Africa?
If you would like to join us on one of our mission trips to Rwanda or Burundi, please contact us.

You can support the Orthodox Christian Mission on the African continent, specifically in matters of education and culture.

To carry out our purpose we engage in the following activities:

  • Organizing spiritual and recreational camps for children in African parishes: including but not limited to arts and crafts, painting, games, music, bible study.
  • Educating the clergy and parishioners in the orthodox church teachings.
  • Organizing exchange programs for educators (k – 12), as well as parishioners and clergy.
  • Supporting young adults and students from African schools.
  • Organizing mission trips on the African continent and encouraging volunteering at church
  • Forging strong ties and collaborating with similar organizations worldwide.


You are welcome to become a member if you have a strong desire to help us reach our purpose and objectives. We are based in Romania. Individuals or legal entities can become members of “Christ in Africa” by agreeing to the terms and conditions laid out by the organization, as well as respecting any internal rules and regulations. 
For more details on how to become a member as well as any other questions or concerns please don’t hesitate to contact us by navigating to the contact tab.